Teraterm Command Line Serial

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You can specify the maximum serial port number (maximum value of n for COMn) to be listed in the File New connection and Setup Serial port dialog boxes. To specify the maximum number, edit the MaxComPort line in the Tera Term section of the setup file like the following: MaxComPort=serial port number. Simply search for a Tera Term download. Step 1: Create a log file. Connect to the router via Serial connection in Tera Term as necessary. In the New Connection window, select the Serial radio button and the appropriate communications port for your PC (i.e., COM1). From the File menu, choose Log, and save the teraterm.log file to. Tips on telnet connection with a port other than 23. On the command line, or on the File New connection dialog box, you can specify the TCP port number and telnet flag for a TCP/IP connection. If these parameters are omitted in the command line, the default values are taken from the Tera Term setup file. Tera Term is a free software terminal emulator (communication program) which supports: Serial port connections. TCP/IP (telnet, SSH1, SSH2) connections. Named pipe connection. IPv6 communication. VT100 emulation and selected VT200/300 emulation. TEK4010 emulation.



If MACRO is not linked to Tera Term, this command runs Tera Term with <command line parameters>, and links it to MACRO. For example:

If MACRO has already been linked to Tera Term and Tera Term is not connected to the host, this command causes Tera Term to connect to the host specified by <command line parameters>.

If MACRO has already been linked to Tera Term and Tera Term has already been connected to the host, this command is ignored.

As a result of this command, the system variable 'result' is set to one of the following values depending on the link and connection status:

0Link to Tera Term has not been made.
1Connection to the host has not been made, but link to Tera Term has been made.
2Both connection and link have been made.

To test the current link and connect status before executing the 'connect' command, use the 'testlink' command.

Communication commands except 'connect', 'cygconnect' and 'testlink' can not be executed before the link is established.


Connection method

There are 3 types of connection you can establish from Tera Term macro:

  • Telnet connection (port 23)
  • SSH1 or SSH2 connection (port 22)
  • General connection
  • Connection via COM port

Telnet connections

Using /nossh is strongly recommended. Without this parameter Tera Term will start connecting with the same method (telnet or SSH) that was used during last time when teraterm.ini file was saved. In case it was SSH than your macro will try to connect via SSH and will eventually fail.

SSH connections

This way will start SSH connection without defining whether SSH1 or SSH2 has to be used.

Parameters /1 and /2 force to use SSH1 or SSH2 method.

Note: path to /keyfile should be relative to Teraterm directory. Absiolute path does not work.

Above 9 ways allow to skip popup dialog and pass username and password directly from macro. Please note that /auth=password or /auth=publickey or /auth=challenge is the parameter saying that authentication will be done by entering password or private-key-file thus you should not replace the word 'password' or the word 'publickey' in it with actual password.

Above 3 ways allow to skip popup dialog and pass username directly from macro.

Above 9 ways pass username and authentication method directly from macro, and the popup asks for password.

General connection

Note: This option value is connecting timeout value(per seconds). Connecting to myserver could be canceled after timeout has occurred with the specified value. Conversely, no action if the value is zero. The default value is zero. Also this value would be saved as `ConnectingTimeout' entry in teraterm.ini file.

Connections via COM port

Here x represents COM port number. For example to connect via COM port 1 the command will look like: connect '/C=1'



  1. In these examples parameters shown with Italic font have to be replaced with their actual values.
  2. The password can contain space character. To represent space inside the password replace it with '@' character. If '@' character itself is part of the password than it has to be replaced with 2 consecutive '@' characters '@@'.
  3. Please remember that entering actual username and password in Tera Term macro will cause them to be stored as an open text and it is your responsibility to keep such macro is secure location.
  4. When a user re-connect the remote host soon after disconnecting the server, a user could not connect the server. For more detail, refer to 'here'.


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Macro command 'connect' syntax description

Three types of connections
There are 3 types of connection you can establish from TeraTerm macro:

- Telnet connection (port 23)
- SSH1 or SSH2 connection (port 22)
- Connection via COM port

Telnet connections


connect 'myserver:23 /nossh'

Line or


connect 'myserver:23 /telnet'



connect 'myserver:23'

Using /nossh is strongly recommended. Without this parameter TeraTerm will start connecting with the same method (telnet or SSH) that was used during last time when teraterm.ini file was saved. In case it was SSH than macro will try to connect via SSH and will eventually fail.

SSH connections


connect 'myserver /ssh'

This way will start SSH connection without defining whether SSH1 or SSH2 has to be used.


connect 'myserver /ssh /1'



connect 'myserver /ssh /2'

Parameters /1 and /2 force to use SSH1 or SSH2 method.


connect 'myserver /ssh /auth=password /user=username /passwd=password'



connect 'myserver /ssh /1 /auth=password /user=username /passwd=password'



connect 'myserver /ssh /2 /auth=password /user=username /passwd=password'



connect 'myserver /ssh /auth=publickey /user=username /passwd=password /keyfile=private-key-file'


Quote:Tera term command line serial killers

connect 'myserver /ssh /1 /auth=publickey /user=username /passwd=password /keyfile=private-key-file'



connect 'myserver /ssh /2 /auth=publickey /user=username /passwd=password /keyfile=private-key-file'

Above 6 ways allow to skip popup dialog and pass username and password directly from macro. Please note that /auth=password or /auth=publickey is the parameter saying that authentication will be done by entering password or private-key-file thus you should not replace the word 'password' or the word 'publickey' in it with actual values. Only the words shown above with italic font have to be substituted.

Important note: The password can contain space character. To represent space inside the password replace it with @ character. If @ character itself is part of the password than it has to be replaced with 2 consecutive @ characters @@.

Please remember that entering actual username and password in TeraTerm macro will cause them to be stored as an open text and it is your responsibility to keep such macros in secure place.

A little bit better practice is to use getpassword and passwordbox commands that store encrypted passwords in the file.


connect 'myserver /ssh /auth=password /user=username /ask4passwd'



connect 'myserver /ssh /1 /auth=password /user=username /ask4passwd'



connect 'myserver /ssh /2 /auth=password /user=username /ask4passwd'



connect 'myserver /ssh /auth=publickey /user=username /ask4passwd /keyfile=private-key-file'



connect 'myserver /ssh /1 /auth=publickey /user=username /ask4passwd /keyfile=private-key-file'



connect 'myserver /ssh /2 /auth=publickey /user=username /ask4passwd /keyfile=private-key-file'

Above 6 ways pass username and authentication method directly from macro, and the popup asks for password.

Connections via COM port


connect '/C=x'

Here x represents COM port number. For example to connect via COM port 1 the command will look like: connect '/C=1'

About setsync
It is highly recommended to use the macro command


setsync 1

right after the command connect. This command switches TeraTerm into synchronous communication mode in which the buffer never overflows. See TeraTerm Macro help for more details.
Best regards,
// Boris

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Tera Term Command Line Serial Killer

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Last modified: July 28, 2019

Teraterm Command Line Serial

You can specify the maximum serial port number (maximum value of n for COMn) to be listed in the [File] New connection and [Setup] Serial port dialog boxes. To specify the maximum number, edit the MaxComPort line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

The maximum serial port number can not be less than 4 even if the actual maximum number is less than 4.
Configurable maximum number is in the following:
4096 (version 4.65 or later)
256 (version 4.55 or later)
99 (version 4.24 or later)
16 (version less than 4.24)

In the default setup, Tera Term cleaning COM buffer when serial port opening.

To disable COM buffer cleaning, edit the ClearComBuffOnOpen line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

In the default setup, Tera Term displays the warning message 'Disconnect ?' when you try to close the TCP/IP connection by using the 'Close' command in the system menu (or by double clicking the icon at upper left corner of the window).

To disable this warning message, edit the ConfirmDisconnect line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

To enable the telnet binary option, edit the TelBin line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

You can also specify the binary option on the command line (/B option).

If you edit the TelEcho line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

Tera Term tries to change the host's echoing (remote echoing) status, depending on the status of 'Local echo' option in the [Setup] Terminal dialog box. If 'Local echo' is (not) checked, Tera Term tries to make the remote echoing off (on), to avoid double echoing or no echoing at the remote host and Tera Term. Note that this mechanism does not work for hosts which do not support the telnet echo option.

To log option-negotiation data of a telnet session to the file TELNET.LOG, edit the TelLog line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

Telnet port number

On the command line, or on the [File] New connection dialog box, you can specify the TCP port number (<TCP port#>) and telnet flag (<telnet flag>) for a TCP/IP connection. If these parameters are omitted in the command line, the default values are taken from the Tera Term setup file.

Only if <telnet flag> is 1 (on) and <TCP port#> is 23, Tera Term starts spontaneously sending telnet commands to the host for the option negotiation when the TCP/IP connection is established.

This particular port number for telnet, 23, can be changed by editing the TelPort line in the [Tera Term] section of setup file like the following:

Whatever <TCP port#> is and whatever <telnet flag> is, Tera Term can respond to telnet commands sent by the host. (except TelAutoDetect setting is off.)

Terminal setup for non-telnet TCP/IP connection

For a non-telnet TCP/IP connection (usually with a port other than 23), you may need to set the 'local echo' option on, and the 'new-line (transmit)' option to CR+LF. If you edit the TCPLocalEcho and TCPCRSend lines in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

the 'local echo' option is turned on and the 'new-line (transmit)' option is set to CRLF automatically when the connection is established on condition that <telnet flag> is 0 (off), or <TCP port#> is not equal to <telnet port#>. Otherwise, setup values specified by [Setup] Terminal are used. By using these options, one setup file can support both the telnet connection and non-telnet connection.

Tera Term will detect a command of Telnet sent from host even a connection is in non-Telnet mode.Once it detects a command, a connection is treated as if in Telnet mode.
However, there is a possible problem that a connection is forced to Telnet mode when a character of '0xFF' is sent from Tera Term, it will be echoed back and is recognized as Telnet command.

This problem can be avoided by changing TelAutoDetect in [Tera Term] section of configuration file as follows,

Tera Term now supports for 'Line at a time' mode from version 4.63.
Since the default value of this setting is on, when it is used in TCP/IP connection, input characters are not sent until the line feed is inputed. But, this setting is disabled (forced to 'Character at a time' mode) when following situations:

  • ssh connection
  • when a server becomes echo-back mode (received WILL ECHO) in telnet negotiation
  • SGA request (WILL SGA) of Tera Term is accepted (received DO SGA) in telnet negotiation

In any connection mode other than telnet and SSH, the above condition is not met and therefore, 'Line at a time' mode is enabled.
To send the key input immediately, edit the EnableLineMode line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

When the break signal is sent to the serial port, the default pause time is 1000 msec.
To change the pause time, edit change the SendBreakTime entry in the [Tera Term] of the setup file.

The serial console is disconnected when the USB serial cable is extracted. Next, the serial console is connected when the serial cable is inserted.

This feature is enabled on the Windows XP or later.

If this feature is not used, please change the AutoComPortReconnect entry of the [Tera Term] section in the teraterm.ini file.

Tera Term waits for port connection when the serial port does not exist.

This feature is enabled on the Windows XP or later.
AutoComPortReconnect entry should be on.

If this feature is not used, please change the WaitCom entry of the [Tera Term] section in the teraterm.ini file.

When Telnet or SSH connection is started, Tera Term notifies the terminal speed to the server.

You can specify the maximum serial port number (maximum value of n for COMn) to be listed in the [File] New connection and [Setup] Serial port dialog boxes. To specify the maximum number, edit the MaxComPort line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

To change the terminal speed notifies to the server, edit the TerminalSpeed line in the [Tera Term] section of the setup file like the following:

Teraterm Script Commands

For example, notifies the transmit speed as 38400bps and receive speed as 9600bps, configure the TerminalSpeed entry as follows:

Tera Term Command Line Serial Killers

When only one value is specified as below, this value is used as both of the transmit speed and received speed.

Tera Term Command Line Commands