Inventory Management Vb Net

Inventory Management Vb Net

Inventory management vba code

I am trying to develop a project for Inventory management system and its report. Anybody have done the project for Inventory Management system project using c# mvc code first method, Please can you give me a sample project.I have to develop. How to give menu wise access to each screen. Register and login and access menu according to the. Inventory Management Full Code 'To set border styles for Excel Private Enum ExlBorderAround xlHairline = 1 xlMedium = -4138 xlThick = 4 xlThin = 2 xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105 End Enum Private Sub CmdEndClick End End Sub Private Sub CmdConvertClick Dim hexval As String. How to make inventory management system in We are going to generate this inventory management system it is also known as stock management system this is totally dynamic system so if you want to use this system for supermarket then also you can use and if you want to use for medical store then also you can use, so this will work in any environment. Here also you will learn Inventory.

'To set border styles for Excel
Private Enum ExlBorderAround
xlHairline = 1
xlMedium = -4138
xlThick = 4
xlThin = 2
xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105
End Enum
Private Sub CmdEnd_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdConvert_Click()
Dim hex_val As String
Dim trueVal As Double
hex_val = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('TCost')
trueVal = CInt('&H' & hex_val) 'To convert hexadecimal to decimal value
Text1.Text = Str(trueVal)
End Sub
Private Sub CmdCpu_Click()
Dim CostPU As String
CostPU = InputBox('Enter Unit Cost')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('CPU') = Str(Val(CostPU))
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = Str(Val(AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Out')) * Val(CostPU))
End Sub
Private Sub CmdDo_Click()
'To sum up all the values in column 9
Dim mysum As Double
Dim nrow As Integer
Dim r As Integer
nrow = MSFlexGrid1.Rows 'To count all the rows in MSFlexiGrid1
For r = 0 To nrow - 1
mysum = mysum + Val(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(r, 9))
Text1.Text = Str(mysum)
'To add last line to Flexigrid table that shows total cost
MSFlexGrid1.AddItem ' & vbTab & ' & vbTab & ' & vbTab & ' & vbTab & ' _
& vbTab & ' & vbTab & ' & vbTab & ' & vbTab & 'Total Cost' & vbTab & Str(mysum)
'Printing Delivery order Via Excel
Dim ObjExcel As Object
Dim wbk As Object
Dim wst As Object
Dim i%
Dim myrow, mycol, noofusedrows As Integer
Set ObjExcel = CreateObject('Excel.Application')
Set wbk = ObjExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set wst = wbk.ActiveSheet
'This Adds a new workbook, you could open the workbook from file also
Clipboard.Clear 'Clear the Clipboard
With MSFlexGrid1
'Select Full Contents (You could also select partial content)
.Col = 0 'From first column
.Row = 0 'From first Row (header)
.ColSel = .Cols - 1 'Select all columns
.RowSel = .Rows - 1 'Select all rows
Clipboard.SetText .Clip 'Send to Clipboard
End With
With ObjExcel.Application.ActiveSheet
.Range('A1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 8 'Set Columnwidth for column1=10
.Range('B1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 10
.Range('C1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 8
.Range('D1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 10
.Range('E1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 12
.Range('F1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 4
.Range('G1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 4
.Range('H1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 6
.Range('I1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 10
.Range('J1').EntireColumn.Columnwidth = 6
.Range('F1').EntireColumn.HorizontalAlignment = 2
.Range('G1').EntireColumn.HorizontalAlignment = 2
.Range('A1').Select 'Select Cell A1 (will paste from here, to different cells)
.Paste 'Paste clipboard contents
noofusedrows = wst.UsedRange.Rows.Count 'To get number of used rows
'To set borders for the selected cells
For myrow = 2 To noofusedrows
For mycol = 1 To 10
wst.Cells(myrow, mycol).BorderAround , ExlBorderAround.xlThin, ExlBorderAround.xlColorIndexAutomatic, vbBlack
'To set borders for the last row
wst.Range(.Cells(noofusedrows + 1, 1), .Cells(noofusedrows + 1, 10)).BorderAround , ExlBorderAround.xlThin, ExlBorderAround.xlColorIndexAutomatic, vbBlack
.PrintOut 'To print out the selection
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdIn_Click()
Dim hex_val As String
Dim StockValue
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('In') = InputBox('Enter Stock In')
StockValue = Val(AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('In')) + Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock'))
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock') = Str(StockValue)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
'Add new item to stock
Dim MsgInstr As Integer
MsgInstr = MsgBox('Have you selected one item from Stock List? If YES, Click OK to Proceed', vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, 'Select Item')
If MsgInstr = 6 Then
Timer4.Enabled = True
Timer4.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cmdout_Click()
'Enter total item out
Dim StockValue
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Out') = InputBox('Enter Stock Out')
StockValue = Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock')) - Val(AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Out'))
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock') = Str(StockValue)
End Sub
Private Sub CmdSearch_Click()
'Search for items using SQL query
Dim SearchString1, SearchString2 As String
SearchString1 = ComboBrand.Text
SearchString2 = ComboCategory.Text
If ComboBrand.Text <> 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text <> 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Brand=' & SearchString1 & ' and Category=' & SearchString2 & ''
ElseIf ComboBrand.Text = 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text <> 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Category=' & SearchString2 & ''
ElseIf ComboBrand.Text <> 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text = 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Brand=' & SearchString1 & ''
ElseIf ComboBrand.Text = 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text = 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory'
End If
'Formatting DataInventory (DataGrid)
With DataInventory
.Columns(0).Width = 2000 'Setting width for first column
.Columns(1).Width = 1500
.Columns(2).Width = 2500
.Columns(3).Width = 2000
.Columns(4).Width = 1200
.Columns(5).Width = 1100
.Columns(5).Caption = 'Unit Cost' 'Set caption of column 8
.Columns(6).Width = 1200
.Columns(6).Caption = 'Total Cost'
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CmdView_Click()
'View all items
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory'
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
If AdoStock.Recordset.BOF = False Then
MsgBox ('No Item to Delete')
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBrand_DropDown()
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub ComboCategory_DropDown()
Dim i, j As Integer
Do Until i = ComboCategory.ListCount
For j = 1 To ComboCategory.ListCount - i - 1
If ComboCategory.List(j + i) = ComboCategory.List(i) Then
ComboCategory.RemoveItem j + i
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim r, nrow As Integer
Dim mysum As Double
nrow = MSFlexiGrid1.Rows
For r = 0 To nrow - 1
mysum = mysum + Val(MSFlexiGrid1.TextMatrix(nrow, 9))
End Sub
Private Sub DataInventory_AfterUpdate()
If AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU') <> ' Then
Dim TotalCost As Integer
TotalCost = Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU')) * Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock'))
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = Str(TotalCost)
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = '
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DataInventory_DblClick()
If AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU') <> ' Then
Dim TotalCost As Integer
TotalCost = Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU')) * Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock'))
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = Str(TotalCost)
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = '
End If
'To load all brands into comboBrand and all Categories into comboCategory

Do Until AdoInventory.Recordset.EOF
ReDim B(i), C(j) As String
B(i) = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Brand')
C(j) = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Category')
ComboBrand.AddItem B(i)
ComboCategory.AddItem C(j)
End Sub
Private Sub DataStock_Click()
Dim TotalCost As Integer
If AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Out') <> ' Then
TotalCost = Val(AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('CPU')) * Val(AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Out'))
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = Str(TotalCost)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DataStock_DblClick()
'To populate the MSFlexiGrid with data from Adostock in different columns
'whenever the user clicks the row in dataStock

MSFlexGrid1.Visible = True
Dim DateStr, CategoryStr, BrandStr, MoNumStr, ItemStr, OutStr, InString, BranchStr, CostStr, TCostStr, AllCostStr, linetext As String
Dim AllCost As Double
DateStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Date') 'To assign the value in Date field to DateStr
CategoryStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Category')
BrandStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Brand')
MoNumStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Model Number')
ItemStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Item Description')
OutStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Out')
InStrng = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('In')
BranchStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Branch')
CostStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('CPU')
TCostStr = AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('TCost')
AllCost = AllCost + Val(TCostStr)
AllCostStr = Str(AllCost)
linetext = DateStr & vbTab & CategoryStr & vbTab & BrandStr & vbTab & _
MoNumStr & vbTab & ItemStr & vbTab & InStrng & vbTab & OutStr & vbTab & BranchStr & vbTab & _
CostStr & vbTab & TCostStr & vbTab & AllCostStr
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 1200 'sets the first column width to 1000.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(1) = 1500 'sets the Second column width to 2500.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(2) = 1500 'sets the Third column width to 1500.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(3) = 1600 'sets the Fourth column width to 1600.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(4) = 2000 'sets the Fifth column width to 3000.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(5) = 500 'sets the Sixth column width to 2000.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(6) = 500 'sets the Seven column width to 500.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(7) = 600 'sets the Seven column width to 1000.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(8) = 800 'sets the Seven column width to 1000.
MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(9) = 600 'sets the Seven column width to 1000.
'To set columns alignments
Dim ColAlign As Integer
For ColAlign = 0 To 9
MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(ColAlign) = flexAlignLeftTop
MSFlexGrid1.AddItem linetext
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'To connect to MS Access database inventory_br.mdb
AdoInventory.ConnectionString = ' Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsVoon Kiong LiewMy DocumentsLiew FolderBunga Rayainventory_br.mdb;Persist Security Info=False'
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory'
Set DataInventory.DataSource = AdoInventory
'To connect to MS Access database inventory_br.mdb
AdoStock.ConnectionString = ' Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsVoon Kiong LiewMy DocumentsLiew FolderBunga Rayainventory_br.mdb;Persist Security Info=False'
AdoStock.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Stock'
Set DataStock.DataSource = AdoStock
'To set the alignment of the windows to centre of screen
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) 2

'To set the alignment of the datagrid to centre of Form

DataInventory.Left = (Form1.Width - DataInventory.Width) 2
DataStock.Left = (Form1.Width - DataStock.Width) 2

'To load all brands into comboBrand

ComboBrand.Text = 'All Brands'
ComboBrand.AddItem 'All Brands'
'To load all Categories into comboCategory
ComboCategory.Text = 'All Categories'
ComboCategory.AddItem 'All Categories'
Do Until AdoInventory.Recordset.EOF
ReDim B(i), C(j) As String
B(i) = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Brand')
C(j) = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Category')
ComboBrand.AddItem B(i)
ComboCategory.AddItem C(j)
'Formatting DataInventory (DataGrid)
With DataInventory
.Columns(0).Width = 2000 'Setting width for first column
.Columns(1).Width = 1500
.Columns(2).Width = 2500
.Columns(3).Width = 2000
.Columns(4).Width = 1200
.Columns(5).Width = 1100
.Columns(5).Caption = 'Unit Cost' 'Set caption of column 8
.Columns(6).Width = 1200
.Columns(6).Caption = 'Total Cost'
End With

'Formatting DataStock (DataGrid)

With DataStock
.Columns(0).Width = 1500 'Setting width for first column
.Columns(1).Width = 2000
.Columns(2).Width = 1500
.Columns(3).Width = 2500
.Columns(4).Width = 1800
.Columns(5).Width = 600
.Columns(6).Width = 600
.Columns(7).Width = 1100
.Columns(8).Width = 1100
.Columns(8).Caption = 'Unit Cost' 'Set caption of column 8
.Columns(9).Width = 1200
.Columns(9).Caption = 'Total Cost'
End With
End Sub
'Add item brand to combo box
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim i, j As Integer
Do Until i = ComboBrand.ListCount
For j = 1 To ComboBrand.ListCount - i - 1
If ComboBrand.List(j + i) = ComboBrand.List(i) Then
ComboBrand.RemoveItem j + i
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
'Add category to combo box
Dim i, j As Integer
Do Until i = ComboCategory.ListCount
For j = 1 To ComboCategory.ListCount - i - 1
If ComboCategory.List(j + i) = ComboCategory.List(i) Then
ComboCategory.RemoveItem j + i ' To remove duplicated items
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
Timer1.Enabled = False
Timer2.Enabled = False
Timer3.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
'To add items to Ado Stock
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Date') = Format(Date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Category') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Category')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Brand') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Brand')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Item Description') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Item Description')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Model Number') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Model Number')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('CPU') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU')
Timer4.Enabled = False
End Sub

Copyright©2008 Dr.Liew Voon Kiong. All rights reserved |Contact|Privacy Policy

All businesses involve inventory and need to manage it efficiently to ensure smooth running of the business activities and profitability. To manage inventory efficiently, business owners need to develop a good inventory management system . Building a sound inventory management system usually incur high cost. Fortunately, we can use Visual Basic 6 to build an inventory management system which does not require big capital, you can do it at home.

In Visual Basic 6, there are a number of built-in database management tools which we can use to manage the data.To start building a good inventory system, we need to have a good planning. First of all, you have to sit down with your client to get detail information about his or her businesses and establish the kind of system he or she wants. For example, you need to know what types of goods they are dealing with, the turn-over volumes, cost prices, selling prices and more. Besides that, you need to know what kind of documents the system needs to deal with like invoices, delivery orders and more.

After getting all the necessary information from your client, you can then start to build a database. Based on the number and types of products, you need to decide what are the variables or fields needed to be included in the database's tables.

The figure below shows the inventory management system developed by us using Visual Basic 6.

We shall use a hypothetical case to illustrate how to build an inventory system as shown above. Let's say our client is dealing with electrical goods. To design the database tables, we need to determine how many tables are needed. In order to keep things simple, we shall limit to two tables in our example. The first table shall be used to store the data of the inventory or stock in hand. The second table shall be used to record stocks coming in and stocks going out.

The first table shall comprise the following fields:

  • Category
  • Brand
  • Item Description
  • Model Number
  • Stock
  • Unit Cost
  • Total Cost

The second table shall comprise the following fields:

  • Date
  • Category
  • Brand
  • Item Description
  • Model Number
  • Stock In
  • Stock Out
  • Unit Cost
  • Total Cost

In our example, we named the first table Inventory and the second table Stock .After designing the tables, we can then proceed to create a database that comprises the two tables. We can either use Microsoft Access to create the database or we can use the built-in Visual Data Manager in Visual Basic 6. Visual Data Manager can be used to create tables, add new data as well as edit data. Besides that, it can be used to modify table structure. To learn how to create database using Visual Data Manager, follow the link below:

Step 2 : Inserting controls into Form

The next step is to insert some relevant controls into the form for displaying and manipulating the data of the database. The controls to be inserted are ADO controls, DataGrid controls, FlexGrid control and various command buttons. DataGrid controls and FlexGrid controls are used to display and store the data from the database tables. On the other hand, ADO is used to manipulate the database such as connecting the DataGrid and FleGrid to the database.

. As ADO is ActiveX-based, it can work in different platforms (different computer systems) and different programming languages. Besides, it can access many different kinds of data such as data displayed in the Internet browsers, email text and even graphics other than the usual relational and nonrelational database information.

To be able to use ADO data control, you need to insert it into the toolbox. To do this, simply press Ctrl+T to open the components dialog box and select Microsoft ActiveX Data Control 6. After this, you can proceed to build your ADO-based VB database applications.

In our example, we insert two ADO controls and name them AdoInventory and AdoStock respectively. The first is to deal with data in the Inventory table and the second is to deal with data in the Stock table. We also insert two DataGrid controls and named them DataInventory and DataStock respectively. They are use to display the data to the user. Besides, we insert one FlexiGrid control to store the data and also to print out the data by connecting it to MS Excel spreadsheet.

Inventory Management Vb Net

Step 3 : Writing the Code

After inserting the necessary controls, it is time to write code to coordinate the controls and to manipulate the data. The first most important code for our program is to connect the ADO controls to the database when the form is loaded. The code is as shown below:

Private Sub Form_Load()
'To connect AdoInventory to MS Access database inventory_br.mdb
AdoInventory.ConnectionString = ' Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsVoon Kiong LiewMy DocumentsLiew FolderBunga Rayainventory_br.mdb;Persist Security Info=False'
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory'
Set DataInventory.DataSource = AdoInventory
'To connect AdoStock to MS Access database inventory_br.mdb
AdoStock.ConnectionString = ' Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsVoon Kiong LiewMy DocumentsLiew FolderBunga Rayainventory_br.mdb;Persist Security Info=False'
AdoStock.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Stock'
Set DataStock.DataSource = AdoStock

Notice that we use SQL syntax SELECT * FROM to select all the data from the Inventory table and the stock table. SQL is a powerful language that is used to manipulate databases.

The next code is to let user enter data into the DataInventory table and double click to update the data as well as to calculate the total cost. It also add brands and categories into the brand combo box and the category combo box respectively .The code is as follows:

Private Sub DataInventory_DblClick()
If AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU') <> ' Then
Dim TotalCost As Integer
TotalCost = Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU')) * Val(AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Stock'))
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = Str(TotalCost)
AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('TCost') = '
End If
'To load all brands into comboBrand
'To load all Categories into comboCategory
Do Until AdoInventory.Recordset.EOF
ReDim B(i), C(j) As String
B(i) = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Brand')
C(j) = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Category')
ComboBrand.AddItem B(i)
ComboCategory.AddItem C(j)
End Sub

We also need to write the code to search for the items once they are entered into the inventory table. The code is as follows:

'Search for items using SQL query
Dim SearchString1, SearchString2 As String
SearchString1 = ComboBrand.Text
SearchString2 = ComboCategory.Text
If ComboBrand.Text <> 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text <> 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Brand=' & SearchString1 & ' and Category=' & SearchString2 & ''
ElseIf ComboBrand.Text = 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text <> 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Category=' & SearchString2 & ''
ElseIf ComboBrand.Text <> 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text = 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Brand=' & SearchString1 & ''
ElseIf ComboBrand.Text = 'All Brands' And ComboCategory.Text = 'All Categories' Then
AdoInventory.RecordSource = 'SELECT * FROM Inventory'
End If

Next, we write code to entering new item in DataStock table. The code is as follows:

'To add items to Ado Stock
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Date') = Format(Date, 'dd/mm/yyyy')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Category') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Category')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Brand') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Brand')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Item Description') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Item Description')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('Model Number') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('Model Number')
AdoStock.Recordset.Fields('CPU') = AdoInventory.Recordset.Fields('CPU')

*Please note that AddNew is to allow adding new data and Update is to save data.

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Inventory Management Vb Net Login

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