Php Codeigniter Templates Free Download


A completely automatic system that even a newbie in PHP can work with! The code to create a full CRUD is simple and the result is simple and at the same time very powerful. The simple UI needs almost zero documentation for your client to understand how things works. On PHPGURUKUL - User Management System project in CodeIgniter Free download with source code, Projects Free Download in CodeIgniter, Download free project with source code,Download free project in CodeIgniter, User Management System project in CI. Online Jop Portal Project Free Download. Job portal is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy Portal for candidates. This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies.

Codeigniter Simplicity is a Codeigniter Template Library that is here to make our life easier.

It's been a while that there is not any official Template/Layout library inside Codeigniter. In that case I've created the Codeigniter Simplicity that is based on core functionalities of Codeigniter as it represents to me the 'How it should be' project.

The code is really simple to use and the naming of the functions are pretty obvious of what they are doing without any more complexity

Obviously the first thing that you have to do is downloading the library. Make sure that you have Codeigniter at your project before using this library. They are two options to download the library:

Codeigniter free download

Download latest stable version 0.7 or download latest development version from github

Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder and copy the folder into your codeigniter Project. That's it really! You don't need any configuration to do and your previous project will be as it was before.

To help you understand how your project will be after the copying of the files and folder, it should look something like this:

This is a good structure for your templates

A good way to start actually is by checking the examples that the project has inside. There is a Controller with name Example and there they are lot of examples of how to use Codeigniter Simplicity

The Controller Example will look something like this:And the template file:
$this->output->set_template($template)Set a template$this->output->set_template('default');
$this->output->unset_template()Unset any template that was set$this->output->unset_template();
$this->load->section($section, $ci_view [, $data ]);Load a section to the template$this->load->section('sidebar', 'ci_simplicity/sidebar');
$this->load->get_section($section);Get the section at the template$this->load->get_section('sidebar');
$this->load->js($js_files);Load js files$this->load->js('assets/js/jquery.min.js');
$this->load->css($css_files);Load css files$this->load->css('assets/css/general.css');
$this->output->set_canonical($canonical);Add canolical metatag$this->output->set_canonical(site_url('about'));
$this->output->set_meta($name,$content);Add metatag$this->output->set_meta('description','Lorem Ipsum');
$this->output->set_common_meta($title, $description, $keywords)Set common meta Data$this->output->set_common_meta('About me', 'This is a page about me', 'about, John, CV');
Note: The below example is an iframe so it might appeared with a scroll bar or in some cases it may not appear at all! If you are experiencing problems with the iframe you can also see the example at a new tab

If you've successfully installed the template library, the very next step would be to create a CRUD for your Codeigniter application. Fortunately this is very easy as well and you can achieve a full CRUD with just few lines of code.

Grocery CRUD is a completely free library for Codeigniter and It is seriously very easy to work with. For example in order to have a full CRUD, you will just need the below lines of code:

For more about Grocery CRUD, you can visit the page:

03-19-2019, 10:19 AM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2019, 12:59 AM by Basic App.)
We are pleased to inform you about the release of the public version of the Basic App. The first version of the system implements the management of text pages and a simple blog. In the Basic App, the Cool Admin theme is integrated into site backend, and the public part is done with the Clean Blog theme. Themes in the system are placed in external Composer packages, you can easily change the design of the entire site without interfering with the system code. The system is made extensible, the classes in the system modules use the object-oriented programming inheritance, you can easily extend them with new functions.
Basic App GUI is multilingual, you can manage translations of the backend area interface through the web interface in the backend.
The basic version is configured to edit the text of the pages through the visual editor TinyMCE, the editing of site layout blocks is done with code highlighting through CodeMirror.
- Installation Instruction
- Documentation
The system is distributed under the MIT licence, you can freely use it to create your own websites, including selling them to third parties, while maintaining the copyrights of the Basic App in the backend and in the code of the modules of system.
We are waiting for a backlash from you, your advice will help us to make the system better together.
login: admin
password: admin
PS: Basic App Dev Team offers services for creating websites on the Basic App, integrating ready-made themes, and developing additional modules for the Basic App.

Php Codeigniter Templates Free Download Microsoft

Basic App, an open source simple CMS based on CodeIgniter 4